From Belgrade, Serbia. Theatre and radio director. Interested in merging different performance and visual arts on stage.Inspired by contemporary texts, new music theatre and light.
We are all water, aren't we?
We are made out of the same material, in the most banal sense .
It is what we need, it is what we live on.
It is our skin, it is our eyes, it is our brain.
Every cell in us is water.
Every breath we take.
Every tear, every bead of sweat produced by movement.
We are water.
This is why I move:
- it gives meaning to the space;
-because I want something;
-because I don't want something;
-to feel (un)comfortable;
-to set my mind to rest;
-to question limits;
to stay in shape;
-to touch you;
-to feel my subconscious and understand it;
-because , to move how I move, makes me who I am.
There are always two sides, or more.
There is palpable and light.
Who or what decides what is real?
Who decides I am who I am, not someone else?
How do I know its not my shadow that I see, that we see?
How do I know if I am what I think I am?
All I know is that I am Water.
Who are you on paper?
Why does it matter?
Does the paper make me who I am?
How was it all decided?
Can I trust what is written on me on paper?
Does it really matter?
Single, married, divorced, separated, widowed..forever alone.
Why do they ask me this?
Is this who I am?
Is this who we all are?
Paper shadows of choices we made?
Ink on tree or 0110010 code.
All I know is that I am Water.